Bridport, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about the population of Bridport City, Maine, you will be interested to know that it has 1,568 people, or 1,164 in 2020. Most residents are male, with 14.6% of them being Hispanic/Latino. There are also Native American, Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander residents. Males, however, outnumber females in Bridport by a margin of 14.6%.

As a result, it is possible to find out what demographics are characteristic of Bridport by comparing it to other cities in the state. The number of people per square mile and the median age of all residents are some of the statistics you can find. You can also find out how many people live in each neighborhood and compare that with the national average. Finally, you can find out what the median home value is in Bridport. This city is currently one of the most affordable in the state. The median price for a home is $279,400. In the past decade, homes in Bridport have appreciated 3.9%.

Located on the coast, Bridport is part of the Jurassic Coast. This coastal stretch of land extends 96 miles to east Devon, including the towns of Lyme and Bridport. The city is home to Chesil beach, which starts at Portland and ends at West Bay. The East Pier of West Bay is another place to enjoy the city's waterfront. Bridport is also home to the Bridport Museum, which has an extensive exhibition about rope-making history.