East Saint Johnsbury, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the Population & Steets in East St. Johnsbury City? Find out by reading this article. Moreover, you will learn the other useful facts about this city. If you are a resident of this place, you can read about the local laws by checking the city directory. You can also find out the distance from East Saint Johnsbury to other nearby cities.

The following list of cities and towns is located within 50 miles of East Saint Johnsbury. You can use this list to plan your trip or for exploring the local area. You can find out about the other cities and towns near East Saint Johnsbury, VT. You can use the distance factor to search for flights to those cities. Also, you can check the distance from East Saint Johnsbury, VT to other cities and towns.

This city is located at the confluence of three rivers. The southern part of the town contains the main commercial district. The northern portion of the city is a broad plateau known as the Plain. The town is connected to this plateau by steep Eastern Avenue. Among its many attractions are the Atheneaum and the Fairbanks Museum. Nearby places of recreation include Moose River, Moore Dam, Jones Pond, and Burke ski mountain.

This map also includes the racial makeup of East Saint Johnsbury. It shows the self-identified racial and ethnicity of the residents. More racial and ethnic groups are represented by darker shades. It also shows the diversity score. Areas in green are more diverse than areas in red. They have more different races living close together. You can compare these two maps to get a better picture of this city and its surroundings.