East Thetford, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How Many People Live in East Thetford? How Many Crimes Happen in East Thetford? East Thetford, VT, is located in Essex County, which is located in New Hampshire. The city is home to 596 people, with 288 males and 308 females. The median age of the residents is 37.5, while the mortality rate is 209 per 100,000 residents. East Thetford's population is made up of various races, as there are no fixed numbers. In any given year, 590 people are of one race, while six people are of two races.

This city is located within 37 miles of other major cities. You can find flights to major cities near East Thetford, VT or travel to smaller cities nearby. This information can help you plan your next vacation. It can be useful when you're planning a road trip or just want to see what's in the area. If you want to visit other towns near East Thetford, VT, you can find their centers here.

The table below shows the number of residents in East Thetford, Vermont. The tables show how many residents are over the age of 25. These figures are representative of all households in the city. If you'd like to know how many children live in East Thetford, you can find out more by checking the tables below. If you're unsure, try searching the city by name.