Landgrove, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for Landgrove statistics, this information is for you. In fact, Landgrove has the highest percentage of US citizens born outside the country - 15.6%, ranking it #1 in the entire United States. In the region of Landgrove, the largest percentage of foreign born residents is located in the neighboring City of Proctorsville. But where did people come from in Landgrove? And how do they rate the city?

While Vermont has a higher population, Landgrove has about half the population of that state. The average commute time in this town is 26.4 minutes. Home values in Landgrove are $607,700. The median home appreciation over the past ten years is 2.7%. You can find more statistics about Landgrove in our neighborhood profile. It's the perfect place for a family getaway, too! You'll find a thriving community in Landgrove, and you'll be sure to find something you like.

The population of Landgrove, VT is estimated to be 173 people in 2020. This is the second highest change in the larger Landgrove area. The area is home to several smaller towns, as well. If you're planning a trip to this area, you should look into nearby towns, and see how Landgrove compares to them. These places are also perfect for exploring. With all the amazing things to do in the area, you'll never have trouble finding a place to stay in Landgrove.

Another important demographic for Landgrove is the age distribution of the population. Landgrove has a large proportion of single women between the ages of 18 and 65. This is important for job research and identifying areas with large numbers of retirees. Landgrove Vermont has the second lowest percentage of people under the age of 20 years old. These two percentages make up 4.0% of the total population. In comparison, the highest percentage of people in Landgrove is between the ages of thirty and forty-four years old.