Peacham, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population & steets of a city, you can find the information here. In fact, Peacham City is a small town in Vermont. If you're wondering how to find out the population and steets of a city, you're not alone. Many people are interested in knowing this information and finding out what makes a city tick.

The population of Peacham is approximately 2,400. The city is located in a small valley. The climate in Peacham City varies a lot. The average temperature is about 58 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. Peacham is a very safe city, with a low crime rate. Peacham is also very family-oriented. Residents are friendly and helpful. Peacham is home to several small businesses. The population of this town is quite small, and a good school system is available.

Demographics: Peacham Vermont has a partisan population. While the U.S. average is 46.6%, Peacham's population is significantly lower. Additionally, the number of high school students is a mere 2,500. Wired and wireless internet speeds in Peacham are just 49 Mbps and 104 Mbps respectively. The road network in Peacham City is minimal.

Climate: The climate in Peacham is mild. Temperatures in Peacham fall below 50 degrees every two18 days. The annual precipitation is 44 inches, which translates into 27.1% of the year. Average rainfall and snowfall is 1.9% compared to the national average. The humidity level is less than 60 percent. That's not bad for a small town in Vermont.