Perkinsville, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will provide you with information on Population & Steets in Perkinville City. Listed below are the top 10 cities in Perkinsville, VT. You can use these lists to plan a trip to the area, or get an overall feel for the community. You can also use the list to see what other cities are within 100 miles of Perkinsville, VT.

According to the Census Bureau, the population of Perkinsville is comprised of 6 households, with the median age of 0 years. Approximately 50% of the population is white, while the other half consists of non-citizens. Approximately twelve people live in the same house they did last year. Census data is gathered from the US Census Bureau's 2020 American Community Survey. This information is not guaranteed to be accurate.

This list also includes the number of college graduates in Perkinsville, VT. This city is expected to grow to 4,5,7,8 million by 2020. The average salary in the area is $28,000 per year, and the median home value is $125,800. The median home appreciation over the last decade is 8.1%. This information can prove useful when choosing a school for your child.

For people who wish to live in Perkinsville, Vermont, a map of the city and ZIP code will prove useful. There are many things to do in Perkinsville, including shopping, dining, and recreation. The town's village hall is located at the address listed below. They have information about the city and its amenities, and you can even find customer service here. There is no shortage of things to do in Perkinsville!