Whitingham, Vermont Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the demographic breakdown of the city of Whitingham, WA, you'll find it in this article. The data on the crime rate per area can be confusing because it is impossible to compare crime rates from one neighborhood to another. However, the crime map for Whitingham offers a simple way to compare crime rates: it shows a count of crimes. The map closely resembles the population map of the state, so it is not surprising to see that there is more crime in the northeast of the city than in the southwest.

The City of Whitingham has a long history of immigration, and it has recently become a destination for a large number of refugees. Over two thousand refugees from more than twenty-four countries have made Whitingham their new home. The vast majority of refugees come from the Democratic Republic of Congo, but others have emigrated from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bhutan. The city has an impressive number of historic buildings, and the area's Victorian-era mill architecture is a must-see.

The Census data for the Town Of Whitingham, Vermont shows that there are a small percentage of households headed by a husband and wife. This is in line with other towns, which report higher percentages of married couples. The total number of households headed by a man and a woman in Whitingham is 18% higher than the national average. So, you can see that the Town Of Whitingham has a relatively high percentage of married couples.