Allisonia, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Allisonia, Virginia is 117. This census-designated place is located in Pulaski County, Virginia. For more information, read about the city's demographics. You can also find out where the next closest big city is by searching for "population & steets in Allisonia, VA."

The population of Allisonia is made up of ninety-one percent White and zero Black or African American citizens. The city is also home to zero Hispanic residents. Overall, Allisonia has a stable population, which is not always the case in other areas. For example, Allisonia is home to one eviction in every five years. Those eviction cases are not necessarily indicative of the health of the community.

The Allisonia ZIP Code is a nine-digit number that contains the population, schools, libraries, museums, hospitals, and universities in Allison. Its address is also provided. For other information, the city's address can be obtained using the Allisonia ZIP code. It also contains the name of the city's public libraries, hospitals, and museums. A postal address is always a five-digit number, but a more detailed 9-digit number is available for residents.

The median household income in Allisonia, VA is $25,617. This is similar to the national average. In addition, there are 0% of residents who commute by car, making it a very pleasant commute for many. The area's economy is not particularly diverse, with most residents employed in construction, manufacturing, and agriculture. The most common occupations in Allisonia are Production Occupations, Management Occupations, and Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maintenance.