Amherst, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in the population and steets in Amherst City? If so, you are not alone. More people are becoming involved in politics in Amherst. The city also has a burgeoning student population. In 2010, there were 30,000 students in the city. Many of these students live in the city only part of the year. The median age of the population is 47.5 years old.

The Amherst area had a flourishing quarry industry that supplied the stone for many of the famous buildings in the state of Ohio and Canada. In 1819, the town was renamed Amherst, Massachusetts after General Jeffrey Amherst, the British commander in chief of the colony. The town gained township and precinct status in 1759.

The median income of residents in Amherst, Ohio was $53,516, which was a record-high for the city. This includes both renter and owner-occupied units. In contrast, owner-occupied housing units had a median income of $10,870, while renter units had an average income of $23,925. This large gap in income may explain the high percentage of students living in poverty in Amherst.

The cost of living in Amherst is higher than the national average. This is due largely to housing costs. Housing costs are 75% higher in Amherst than statewide averages and 12% higher than national trends. Health care, utilities, groceries, and transportation are all higher than the national average. This city also has a thriving military community, with 35 airmen and 20 pilots stationed in the town.