Axton, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The map below shows the Population & Steets in Apton City. You can also view a list of the towns within a 100-mile radius. By looking at the map of nearby towns you can plan a road trip and get a better feel for the local culture. Alternatively, you can search for cities within a 100-mile radius of Axton, VA. We have also included some useful links to help you plan your trip.

Among the most interesting facts about Axton City are its history as a drug-trafficking hub. Several houses are maintained by drug cartels. Some houses are used to cut and distribute drugs, while others house associates. Some residents of Axton have had a checkered past, however. In 1996, an article in U.S. News & World Report described a hamlet just south of Axton as a hub for cocaine dealing. The article also reported that the former sheriff and some of his fellow officers were arrested for selling drugs and stealing guns.

Axton Hall sits on approximately 1.4228 acres. It is surrounded by Dumesnil Street and Dixie Highway. The building was originally an orphanage, but Simmons used the property until 1949. Although the grounds appear to be relatively unchanged since 1949, the project limitations preclude a detailed analysis of changes to the structure. The biggest changes include the planting of four trees on the front of Dumesnil Street.