Aylett, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Considering moving to Aylett City? Here's information on the Population & Steets of Aylett City. The following data will give you a good idea of the local area. You can also use this information to plan a road trip or explore the area. You can also find cities within 100 miles of Aylett, VA. Getting to know the population of a city is essential for making important decisions about moving there.

The table below shows the education level of the population in Aylett. This measure of education level can include a college degree or a master's degree. There are 27% of college graduates in Aylett who hold a doctorate degree. Aylett's racial makeup is highly diverse. Those with higher education levels tend to have better job prospects in this city.

The city has a total population of 4,940 residents. The majority of the population is white, with only 14.3% of the community being Hispanic. The average household income in Aylett is $72,250, with the median household income being $63,980. Aylett has a high school graduation rate of 75%. There are 57 households with people of other races.