Baskerville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Baskerville is 788 and there are 329 households. The median home value is $138,415 and the average household size is 2.44. The area's population is predicted to grow by 4.4% over the next five years. The median age is 35 years old and there are roughly 2.5 males for every female. The racial makeup of Baskerville is overwhelmingly white, with 35.6% of the population identifying as white. The racial makeup of the city is also largely Caucasian, with just 0.3% of the population being Hispanic or Asian.

The median weekly personal income of people aged 15 and over in Baskerville was $875. The majority of workers in the city were employed in the service industry, with 25% working in this sector. The remainder of workers held white-collar or blue-collar roles. The median personal income in Baskerville City was $875. There are also many low-income households in the area.

In Baskerville City, there were 109,479 people living. Twenty-one percent of the population was under the age of eighteen. The rest of the population was composed of 97,024 people aged twenty-five to forty-four, seventy-two-four-year-olds, and thirty-three-year-olds and older. Across the city, the median age was thirty-two years.