Belspring, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Belsprung City, VA. These numbers may surprise you, as they are very similar to those found in most American cities. While there are some notable differences, the following statistics will give you an idea of how diverse the city is. You will be able to learn about the number of people in Belspring, as well as about their races, religions, and more.

According to the most recent census, the majority of households in Belspring, VA, were mortgaged. The median home value is $144,200, which is slightly below the national average, but higher than most nearby zip codes. The median household income is $58,189, which is above average, but still lower than the national average. And while the percentage of people who are below the poverty line is relatively low, the average household income is considerably higher than that of the city.

The population of Belspring City is fairly evenly distributed, with 21.7% of households consisting of children under 18 years of age. Fifty-seven percent of households were made up of married couples, and forty-one percent were non-families. One in every four households is made up of an individual, and a quarter of households are headed by someone 65 years or older. The median age of residents was forty-eight years. Males outnumbered females by 87.8 to 100 people of the age of 18.

The median household income in Belspring, VA is N/A. This is about the same as the national average, which is $65,712 per person. Compared to other American cities, the Belspring, VA median household income is slightly higher than the national average, with approximately 0.479 percent of the population in this sector earning over $33,825.