Blackwater, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a brief description of the population and steets of Blackwater, Texas. The population is comprised of both male and female residents, and the percentage of those residing in Blackwater who are Hispanic is 2.8%. The median household income in Blackwater is $37,589, and the average household income is $42,825. The majority of Blackwater residents are employed. Approximately 57.6% of adults live in Blackwater.

According to the 2000 United States Census, the population of Blackwater, Missouri is 175 people. The median home value is $88,214, and the average household size is 2.40 people. There are 0.91 males for every female resident, and 127.9% are white. There are 0.7% people who identify as black and 0.3% are Hispanic. Overall, the city is largely White, with only a small percentage of residents belonging to other races.

The area around Blackwater has a moderate population density, with 78.3% of households reporting that they have active broadband internet connections. Approximately 26% of the population is employed in service-related jobs, while 38% are employed in blue-collar positions. The median gross monthly rent in Blackwater is $675. The median income for Blackwater, Missouri is $26,577. This makes Blackwater a desirable place to live for a second home.