Blue Grass, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Blue Grass / Fox Fire neighborhood is quite high-end. In fact, more than 71% of its working citizens have a bachelor's degree or higher. That is much higher than the national average of 32.9%. This neighborhood is also good for those with school-age children, urban sophisticates, and college students. The neighborhood is a popular choice for those who are looking for a more suburban area, while also offering a small-town atmosphere.

The median property value in Blue Grass is $170,200, which is 0.708 times smaller than the national average. It also increased by 5.13% from last year to this year. Homeownership is high, with 86.4% of households owning their own home. Most residents commute by car, with an average time of 21 minutes per day. Two-car households are common in Blue Grass, which is about the same as the national average.

The median property tax rate in Blue Grass City, IA is $440. This is a lower rate than the national average, so it's worth it to visit this community if you have the extra money. If you're looking for a low-priced place to retire, look no further than Blue Grass / Fox Fire, Iowa.

The majority of residences in Blue Grass / Fox Fire are single-family homes. This makes the area stand out compared to 97.4% of all neighborhoods in the United States. Those living in this neighborhood are likely to have an English ancestry. You can also expect to find more English-speaking residents in this neighborhood. There are many restaurants and bars in Blue Grass / Fox Fire.