Boydton, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the Population & Steets in Boyton City? You've come to the right place! Read on to learn more about this Virginia city. Listed below are some of the key statistics about this city. First, let's take a look at its population. There are currently 410 people living in the city. The median home price in this city is $142,300. In addition, homes in this city have appreciated by 2.9% over the last 10 years.

Almost 92% of households in Boydton are headed by a married couple. The ratio of married couples is the highest in the greater Boydton region. Listed below are the head of household percentages of each gender in the city. The percentage of households with a single woman is 7.7%. Single women make up 7.7% of households in Boydton. As you can see, the average household income in this Virginia city is lower than the national average.

The highest percentage of foreign-born citizens resides in Boydton. Compared to other American cities, this city ranks #8 for the percentage of foreign-born residents. Despite its small size, Boydton's foreign-born population is higher than the state average for this demographic. In fact, the city of Clarksville is the second-highest percent of foreign-born residents in Virginia.