Chincoteague, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to a new town, you should consider the population and steets of Chincoteague City, VA. The population of Chincoteague is expected to reach 2,821 by 2020, a decrease of 3.95% from the 2010 census. The average household income in the city is $76,573, compared to a poverty rate of 9.72%. The median home value is $279,700. The median age of residents is 56.5, with males being older than females.

The median property value in Chincoteague is $279,700. Its homeownership rate is 73.7%, and most people drive alone to work. The average commute time in Chincoteague is 21.9 minutes. There are approximately 2.9k residents in Chincoteague, VA. Of these, 99.7% are US citizens. The remaining 4.86% were born outside the country.

There are 2,511 voters in Chincoteague, Virginia. The median age is 56.5 for both natives and foreigners. One-third of the city is under 18, while the other third is a family with children. One-fourth of the residents are 65 or older. The population is predominantly white, with 33.8% of households consisting of a married couple. There are also single people, and one percent of the residents are senior citizens.

Ponies are an iconic aspect of the town and the surrounding area. The Chincoteague ponies are thought to number in the hundreds, and they have earned notoriety in the pictorial press and newspaper. Their arrival on the island is attributed to a stranded ship. The ponies are thought to have swamred from South America and were brought to Chincoteague Island. They were branded and propagated since then. Several residents own a large number of these beautiful creatures.