Coeburn, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Coerburn City. You can find detailed information about every part of this city, from the number of citizens to the crime rate. To get a feel for the city, check out our Crime Grade map. This interactive map shows you where it's safest and most dangerous, and displays crime rates by day and type. In Coerburn, there are more retail establishments in the center of town than anywhere else, so crime rates there are higher than elsewhere in the city. In addition, many crime incidents occur during the day, meaning that red areas are not necessarily dangerous.

In terms of ethnicity, Coeburn is overwhelmingly white, with 1.49k residents. There are 52 Black or African American residents, 25 Two+ people, and 0.8% Hispanic. The median property value in Coeburn is $61,700, and the homeownership rate is 62.1%. The average commute time for residents of Coeburn is 22.1 minutes, and two car households are common.

The median household income in Coeburn City, VA is $80, compared to an average of $875 in nearby towns. Property taxes in Coeburn are also fairly high, at approximately $800 per household. Interestingly, 62.1% of households in Coeburn are owner-occupied, a figure that's significantly lower than the national average of 64.1%. Compared to neighboring geographies, Coeburn has a lower homeownership rate than most.