Dendron, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How Many People Live in Dendron? There are a couple of reasons why the population of Dendron City is low. First of all, the city has few retail stores, which means crime rates are high in areas where people are few. Also, there aren't many people in the park, so the crime rate is low. Lastly, Dendron is one of the safest cities in Virginia.

The town is ethnically diverse and residents report being of a variety of racial groups. Their greatest race is Black, African-American, or White. Other important ancestry groups include English, Hungarian, German, and Polish. The most popular language spoken in Dendron is English, although residents also speak many other languages, including Spanish, Polish, and African. This diversity is indicative of the diverse nature of the town's population.

The median property value in Dendron is $137,500. The homeownership rate was 67.2% and the median car ownership was three. Dendron has a total population of 377 people. Approximately 99.7 percent of the population lives in the city, and 0.265% of residents were born outside of the United States. In addition, there is a low unemployment rate of 4.41%.

Demographics of Dendron are also indicative of a family-friendly environment. There is a lower number of college students and younger families in Dendron, so there are fewer noisy groups than in other cities. Besides being less noisy, Dendron is relatively safe. There are no major crime areas. The average household size is 2.8 people. The population is mainly comprised of single-family homes. While it isn't perfect or has an active nightlife scene, it is a solid community with a lot to offer.