Drewryville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To understand the population and steets of Drewryville City, Virginia, you need to look at its statistics. The population is reported both in raw head counts and as population density per square mile. You can also get this data on Drewryville's About Page. This data may be helpful when determining the local population, especially if you're moving to the city from a nearby town.

The demographics of Drewryville city show a diverse community. The population is composed of white-collar and blue-collar roles. The median household income is $36,429, while the average household size is 2.52. The gender ratio in the city is 0.84 to one. The race breakdown shows that the area is 52% white, 0.0% black, and 1.0% Hispanic. The highest educated resident is a high school graduate, and 54% of Drewryville residents completed college. The lowest-income groups are those who dropped out of school and did not complete any education.

The demographics of the district surrounding Drewryville City are particularly interesting. There is a very large generational divide in Drewryville. This can be useful for employment research and for identifying areas where retirees are concentrated. In the district around Drewryville, nine percent of the population is younger than 20 years. The highest-income residents are between 30 and 39 years old. And finally, there are retirees in Drewryville.