Flint Hill, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Flint Hills, Missouri? This city is situated on the Missouri-Illinois border and along the Mississippi River. The climate in this area is mild year-round with a cool climate in September, May and June. In December, the temperature goes down to a comfortable 57 degrees. In Flint Hill, you can enjoy the holiday season and enjoy the best shopping and dining.

Approximately 792 people live in Flint Hill. Among them, 56.3% are males and 43.7% are females. There are also 19.8% of people in the city who are 65 years of age and older. The population is mostly white, with 98.3% of residents having a high school education. Only 6.7% are Hispanic. In Flint Hill, Missouri, the median household income is $83,922.

The median home value in Flint, MI is $228,338. There are two types of houses in Flint: single family homes and multi-family homes. Houses are the most common type. Flint is located in the upper quartile of the nation's diversity index. Flint is home to community schools that serve ages 50-59, 60-79, and 80-plus years olds.

The city's population is spread out. Twenty-five percent of its people are under the age of 18, 7.4% are between 25-44, and 22.3% are 65 years or older. Its median age is 36 years. Males outnumbered females, with 109.2 males for every 100 females. However, this may change if development is encouraged in the area. The city's current economic status is not at a high point.