Gordonsville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for the demographics of a city, it is important to understand the population and the socioeconomic status of its residents. Gordonsville, VA has a low percentage of people living below the poverty line, at just over 41%. The median age for the population of Gordonsville is 42.1 years. The median age for foreign-born residents was 38.9%, while the average age for native-born residents was 42.

While the city has a population of 10,000, you can still get a good sense of the location by using the map and card provided. The information provided in the city profiles are from the staff of the individual municipalities. Individual names link to their mailing address, which may be different than their city hall address. When looking for a hotel, consider the quality of service and value for money before deciding on a particular hotel in Gordonsville.

If you are looking for public transportation in Gordonsville, VA, consider using the Virginia Regional Transit. This public transportation system provides service in the city, with three bus stops in the area. The town's high walk and bike score are good indicators of its safety and convenience. There are several local bus stops in Gordonsville, as well as numerous bike paths and sidewalks. You can also check the library's website for more information on how to reach the library or museum.

Education is important for any city and the proportion of educated people is a good indicator of quality. Having a greater proportion of educated citizens means better economic prospects. There are differences between men and women in this regard, but Gordonsville, VA women have higher education than their male counterparts. In Gordonsville, VA, the average high school education level of women is 734.0%, while the proportion of people with master's degrees is only 2.8%.