Jarratt, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you understand Population & Steets in Jarrantt City, Oregon. The most important information you need to know is the percentage of Jarratt residents that are black, white, and Hispanic. You'll also learn how many residents of each race are living in the city, as well as the overall diversity. You can find this information by visiting the About Page of our website, and by using the tools on the map to see the diversity scores in Jarratt.

The population of Jarratt is 628. The median household income in this city is $42,500. This information is used to determine if the city has affordable housing. If a city is affordable to rent, the percentage of renters is lower than the average for the surrounding area. However, it is important to note that poverty rates are higher in Jarratt than in nearby cities like Brodnax, Dendron, and Jackson. The median gross rent in Jarratt is $728 per month.

The post office in Jarratt is operated by the United States Postal Service. It is located on the Sussex-Greensville County line. The population is Hispanic or Latino. The US Census classifies people of Hispanic descent as Hispanic. However, Latinos can be any race. The population density of Jarratt is relatively high compared to other cities in the region.