Lovettsville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are relocating to Lovettsville City, you may be wondering how to figure out the population and steets. This article will provide you with information about the town's population and the statistics surrounding it. You can also find out what schools the city offers in your area and what businesses are located in the city. The population of the city is approximately 2,544 people.

The median household income in Lovettsville City is above the state average. The unemployment rate is significantly lower than the state average. Hispanic and foreign-born populations are significantly higher than the state average. About one in five households has one person aged over sixty. The average number of rooms in a household is above the state average. The average age of the residents is 48. The median number of households is 5.46.

A look at the census data will tell you how many houses are for rent. This measure is useful to calculate the affordability of rental housing in the city. Lovettsville's rent burden is 28.4%, which is slightly higher than the state average of 29.9%. However, neighboring towns like Boonsboro and Walkersville have higher rent burdens than Lovetsville. Also, the number of renters in Lovettsville is higher than the average for Virginia cities.

The population of Lovettsville is estimated to be 4,576 by the year 2020. The city is located in Loudoun County, Virginia, near the northern tip of the state. Lovetsville was originally named Newtown until the 1820s, when David Lovett began to subdivide land into quarter-acre "city lots" to encourage development. However, the town was not incorporated until 1876.