Manassas Park, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median age for people in Manassas Park City, Virginia was 34.7. The median age of native-born residents was 27 and for foreign-born citizens was 42. The average age for people in Manassas Park City, Virginia was 35 in 2018. The most common birthplaces for foreign-born residents were Mexico, India, and El Salvador.

Despite the high unemployment rate in the area, a high percentage of residents are employed in the area. The population of Manassas is relatively stable, with approximately 11% living within the city limits and 89% commuting from Prince William County and Fairfax. About 16,700 people commute to their jobs outside the city. In 2016, 3.3% of the population in Manassas Park City was unemployed. Among the residents of Manassas Park City, there were also numerous housing projects underway. The Mathis Avenue Streetscape Project is expected to cost approximately $7.3 million and be completed in 2024.

The median income of Manassas Park city, VA is $88,046, which is nearly three times the U.S. average. The wage distribution in Manassas Park city, VA is more evenly distributed than it is in most other areas of the United States. While Manassas Park city, VA is home to nine thousand residents, only a fraction of those people live in poverty.

Demographics: One way to understand the age makeup of Manassas Park City is by looking at its population. The American Community Survey and the United States Census Bureau have statistics on Manassas Park's population. Both reports project the city's population to reach a median of 17.548 people in 2020. Only Yorkshire and Sudley CDPs have a higher percentage of single women than Manassas Park.