New Point, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets in NewPoint City. Fortunately, there are several resources for you to research NewPoint City. Check out the data below to learn more. These statistics were provided by the United States Census Bureau. You can use them to compare NewPoint City to other cities in the US. You can also find out the median household income in NewPoint City.

The difference between New Point City and other Philadelphia neighborhoods is that Point Breeze is closer to job hubs such as Center City, the Navy Yard, and University City. Tioga-Nicetown, for instance, is twice as far from the heart of Philadelphia. Also, Temple University is not comparable to the University of Pennsylvania. The gentrification process was well under way in the Graduate Hospital neighborhood when I moved to Point Breeze in 2005.