Orange, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out more about the demographic makeup of Orange City, FL, you might find it useful to consult the most recent census data. This report shows the percentages of white, Hispanic, and Asian households living in Orange City. Orange City has a low poverty rate, so finding out how many people live in poverty there will be important information for residents and businesses alike. But how does Orange City rank when it comes to racial diversity?

According to the U.S. Census, Orange City, FL had 136,416 residents in 2010 and a population density of 5,404.7 per square mile (or 2,086.8 per square km2). Of this total, 91,522 residents are White, while 2,227 are Black and Native American, respectively. The city's per-capita income is $24,294 and there are also some minority groups, such as Hispanic and Asian.

The Orange Police Department covers a jurisdictional area of 27 square miles and operates through three divisions: Field Services, Crime Analysis, and Bike Unit. The Investigative Services Division comprises the Crimes Against Person and Property and Economic Crimes units, Special Investigations Unit, and Gang Unit. Additionally, the Police Department has a SWAT team for the more serious cases. If you're looking to move to Orange City, it's a great place to start.

The City of Orange is located in the southern part of the state, near several state freeways. The Southern California Railway, an affiliate of the Santa Fe, lays its first tracks through Orange in 1886 and established its first depot there in 1887. By 1925, this route was part of the famed "Surf Line" and 16 passenger trains made stops here. The city's only restored house museum, Lewis Ainsworth House, was filmed in Old Towne Orange.