Pamplin, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pamplin City, Virginia, is about two hundred and ninety. It is a small city on the James River in west-central Virginia, 50 miles east of Roanoke. The city experiences moderate temperatures and has a temperate climate throughout the year. Its steets and population make it an attractive place to live and work. Here is a look at the population and other demographics of the city.

The Population & Steets in Pamplan City are similar to those of other cities in Virginia. There are roughly 40 families per thousand residents in Pamplin City. The percentage of naturalized citizens is higher than the percentage of total residents, which is 73%. The city has a small proportion of foreign-born residents, but the population is still a significant portion of the total. Population growth rates are lower than the national average.

The median property value in Pamplin City was $108,000 in 2019, which is 0.449 times smaller than the national average. Eighty-seven percent of Pamplin City residents are U.S. citizens, and the median property value was $108,000. The median homeownership rate was 86.2%, and the majority of residents walked or drove to work. The median car ownership rate in Pamplin City was four cars per household, and the median age was 33.1 years. One in seven residents is foreign-born, while 2.74% are native-born.

Another interesting fact about Pamplin City is that it was a giant in the manufacturing of a specific product. However, as the town ages, the industry has diminished. The gaunt structures on Main Street are the remains of another railroad boomtown. This town has been around since the late 1700s, but despite its small population, the buildings remain a relic of the past.