Partlow, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information provides details on the Population & Steets of Partlow, Virginia. These statistics can be helpful when making decisions about the environment of your children and how to best prepare them for future careers. You can learn more about the school districts and population statistics for Partlow City by visiting the city's diversity page. The diversity map shows the proportion of various races living in each community. Green areas indicate areas with a higher diversity than red ones, and red areas reflect areas with low diversity.

The population of Partlow City is 2,083 and includes both males and females. Males make up the largest portion of the population, with the median age of 34.9. There are 338 males and 331 females in the city. The percentage of people living in Partlow who are 20 years old and younger varies by race. There are a total of 2,411 single-family attached homes in the city. There are also two to five-unit apartments in the city.

Crime rates in Partlow are quite low compared to other parts of the country. The east side of Partlow is generally safer than the west, but the southwest side has fewer crimes. The crime rate map is a bit misleading since the crime rates in this region are inflated by people who visit the city during the day. This is because many crimes are committed in retail areas, making the red areas of the crime map not necessarily indicative of danger for Partlow residents.