Quicksburg, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering what the population and steets are in Quicksburg City, Virginia, you have come to the right place. We've put together a brief population and steets of Quicksburg City. Take a look! And if you think this is a small town, think again. The population of Quicksburg is based on self-identifications, so be aware of that.

The Quicksburg city has a population of 1,012 people, of which 256 are under the age of 20. Out of these, 130 are male and 126 are female. The rest are classified as being over the age of twenty-one. As for the ethnic makeup, Quicksburg is comprised of one race or more. The race breakdown varies each year, but in general, Quicksburg residents are white. There are a few minority groups, but it isn't too extreme.

In the northeast, for instance, there is a high rate of theft. But there are very few residents who live near these areas. Crime rates in the west part of the city may be lower than those in the northeast. And while the crime rate in the southwest part of the city is much higher, this doesn't necessarily mean that the crime rate is higher than it is in the east. But it's important to note that Quicksburg is safer than the national average.