Reedville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for a home in the city of Reedville, you will want to look at population and steets statistics. A city's population is a good indication of the quality of the area's schools and other features. The population is divided into three categories - white-collar, blue-collar, and service sector occupations. In terms of the population, the highest percentage of residents completed a bachelor's degree, while the lowest percentage attended school.

The percentage of residents who were victims of violent crimes is calculated based on the number of crimes committed per 1,000 people in the city. It shows that Reedville has a slightly higher rate of violent crimes than the state average, but it is lower than most other cities of the same size. In terms of violent crime, the city is in the 54th percentile, with 46% of neighborhoods being safer than Reedville, and 54% being less safe. The area in red indicates a higher percentage of violent crimes, but that does not mean that Reedville is dangerous for residents.

The population of Reedville is 2,315 people, with a median age of 55.2 for males and 55.7 for females. There are approximately 187 deaths and 99 births per year, and there are 189 households with no members of both sexes. Besides the population of single families and households with no members, Reedville also has many non-family units. If you are looking for a new home in Reedville, it is important to consider the local ad demographics for this city.