Rich Creek, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Rich Creek, VA is 887 people, with a median age of 43.9. The median household income in Rich Creek is $45,333. The median property value is $94,700. The homeownership rate is 57.8%, and most people commute by car to work. There are two cars per household, with an average commute time of 27.5 minutes. Rich Creek, VA is home to about one-half of the area's workers, with an average commute time of 27.5 minutes.

In terms of health care, residents of Rich Creek, VA use a variety of transportation modes. Of the households in Rich Creek, VA, the largest percentage own two cars, and the smallest share has only one car. In terms of health insurance, 86.7% of residents are covered by employer-sponsored plans. Among individuals with private health insurance, 9.66% are enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. Another 8.38% are enrolled in a non-group health plan, and 0.258% have a military or VA plan.

As far as demographics go, Rich Creek City is primarily white. There are a large percentage of seniors. However, there are a small number of families. The percentage of children under 18 is lower than the state average. One or more nursing homes are nearby. The average family size in Rich Creek City is 2.91. The median household income is $36,406.