Ruckersville, Virginia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in learning more about Ruckersville City's population? If so, you are in the right place. Here you will find information about the town's population, as well as its various other demographics. This article will give you some information about Ruckersville, Georgia. Read on to learn more about this charming city. Population & Steets in Ruckersville City

The city of Ruckersville is mostly a dormitory and commuter town for people who work in Charlottesville, Virginia. Crime in Ruckersville is very low, with only two rapes and zero murders. Perhaps the lack of crime is attributed to the fact that the town is located near Charlottesville. There are plenty of ways to make this town a great place to live.

A quick look at the gender ratio will give you a good idea of the demographics of Ruckersville, VA. There are 1,335 people living in Ruckersville, and 50.0% of them are male. This number is lower than the average male-to-female ratio in Virginia, but is in line with the U.S. average. In addition to gender, Ruckersville's median age is 27.

The center of the town is located 6 miles northeast of Charlottesville Albemarle Airport and 10 minutes from the Acacia Fitness and Wellness Center. As a bonus, Ruckersville is located in the heart of rural Virginia. For an exciting vacation, explore this city's culture and history. It's home to Chris Rucker, the young man who was accused of incest in August 2021 and transferred to Orange, VA jail. Following a dispute with school faculty, he and his family moved to the Richmond suburbs. However, they eventually returned to the town in 2000.