Bingen, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here is a look at the Population & Steets in BINGEN City, New York. The data is based on population density per square mile and raw head counts. You can view more data on the About Page. You can also download the data and add it to your own website or forum. It's free! And you can use it in any way you want! Just remember to credit the source!

In terms of age, Bingen's population was relatively evenly distributed. Twenty-six percent of its residents were under the age of 18, while nine percent were between the ages of 18 and 24. Twenty-seven percent were aged 25 to 44. Twenty-four percent of people in Bingen were 45-64 years old. Eight percent of the city's population was 65 or older. Males outnumbered females in the city by a ratio of 102.4 to one.

For people who want to live near the amenities of Bingen, WA, it's helpful to know the area's walkability and bikeability score. Walking score indicates the proximity of places to shop, dine, or go to the movies. If you don't like walking, you'll have a lot of options for transportation and housing. There are many places to dine and drink in Bingen.

The poverty rate in Bingen is 2.2%. This is slightly lower than Washington, but still higher than neighboring cities Maupin and Mossyrock. The median gross rent in Bingen City is $846 per month. In other words, if you're able to afford to rent a house, Bingen is probably the right place for you. So, don't delay. Start planning your Bingen visit today!