Bonney Lake, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Bonney Lake City? There are three basic types of census data, including the total number of residents, population density, and racial makeup. This data is useful in analyzing the overall population of Bonney Lake City, Washington. Overall, the median age of the city is 36.1 years old, making it the second-smallest city in the area. The most common age group, however, is white, while the least common is Hispanic and Two Or More.

The median property value in Bonney Lake, Washington is $331,200, which is 1.38% higher than the national average of $240,500. The homeownership rate is 80.7%, and the unemployment rate is 2.3% for people aged 16 and older. A full fourteen percent of Bonney Lake, WA residents work for the local, state, or federal government. The median household income is $43,500.

The city's population density is higher than the state and national averages. In fact, it is faster-growing than many similar-sized cities. Bonney Lake has a population density of 2,187.6 people per square mile, making it one of the lowest in the Seattle metro area. Its total voting age population is 15,024, which means that it is home to about two-tenths US citizens. The population is evenly split between men and women and includes 10 percent of senior citizens.

In terms of employment, the Bonney Lake area employs eleven thousand people. More than one hundred and forty-five percent of these people work in retail, while seven-one thousand are employed in manufacturing. The highest paying industries in Bonney Lake include Utilities, Finance, and Insurance, which pay the highest wages in the city. Median household income is $91,368 or 99,055.