Carnation, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets in Carmation City? If so, you've come to the right place. Here's the scoop on this fast-growing area. Population and steets statistics are provided by the Census Bureau, ESRI, and the Carnation City Chamber of Commerce. In 2016, there were 2.35 eviction cases in the city.

A recent study of the area revealed that the median age in Carnation is 40.9 years old. This is about average. The age of residents in Carnation is on the middle-of-the-road scale. The highest overall median age is found in nearby Ames Lake CDP, with a median age of 49.1 years. Below are the breakdown of gender and age demographics for Carnation, Washington.

The city is home to a major airport, and is one of the most expensive in the state of Washington. The population of Carnation is about 20,000 people, but there's also plenty to do and see in the surrounding area. While this small city is near Seattle, residents enjoy the outdoors and natural beauty. Historically, it was known as Tolt, and it sits at the confluence of the Tolt and Snoqualmie rivers. A recent earthquake caused a 7.0-magnitude quake in the area, causing $80 million in damages.

Crime rates in Carnation are similar to those of surrounding cities. The crime rate in northwest Carnation is significantly higher than that of east Carnation. In fact, there are three times more crimes committed in northwest Carnation than in central Carnation, and this trend seems to continue. However, it's important to note that the red areas on the crime rate map do not necessarily mean that residents of Carnation are at risk of being a victim of a crime.