Copalis Beach, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Copalis Beach, Washington is approximately 578 people, with a median age of 50.6. The median household income is $38,125, and the racial makeup of the city is roughly 50% White. There are 68 American Indian & Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) residents and 21 hispanic residents. Below are some other demographic data for the city.

The average number of homes for sale in Copalis Beach, WA is 50 percent higher than a year ago, and there are three homes sold in Copalis this month. Amongst home buyers, the population of this city is 84% owner-occupied, and a high percentage of the population is affluent. The average commute time for a Copalis Beach, WA employee is 17.8 minutes, compared to the national average of 23.1 minutes.

Although the city has a low population density, crime rates are generally lower around parks and major airports. In fact, only a few residents live near parks and other recreational areas, making crime rates appear higher than they actually are. It is important to remember that crime happens wherever people congregate. So, be careful when walking or driving near these areas. If you do see high crime rates, leave the area and go to a different area.

The median property value in Copalis Beach, WA was $143,900 in 2019. This is a 0.598 percent lower than the national average. Copalis Beach, WA has a 78.6% homeownership rate. Most residents drive to work alone. The median commute time was 20.9 minutes, and the average number of cars per household was three. Only 0% of the population of Copalis Beach, WA was born outside the United States.