East Wenatchee, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

East Wenatchee, Washington, is a small city on the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Central Washington. The town has a pleasant climate throughout the year, with June and September being the most pleasant months. January and December are the least comfortable months. Wenatchee is the gateway to many mountainous areas, and East Wenatchee is no exception. The original downtown area has a pleasant atmosphere, and the population has grown by 6.1% since the year 2020. The city has an average commute time of about 16 minutes.

The median age of the population of East Wenatchee, WA is 33. This number includes both native-born residents and those who were born abroad. The median age for residents of the city was thirty-three in 2019; for foreign-born residents, it was 42. In Washington, the most common birthplace of foreign-born citizens was Mexico, followed by China and India.

There are many different factors determining ethnicity in a city. The largest factors are race, religion, and education. In Wenatchee, the majority of residents identify as white, while the rest are African-American, Asian, and Native Hawaiian. A percentage of Americans identify as Hispanic or other, and only 2.6% identify as two or more races. The racial makeup of East Wenatchee is based on the ancestry of the respondents. Among the most common ancestries are German, English, and Norwegian. These ancestries make up the majority of the population, while the racial breakdown is not entirely revealing.

The name "East Wenatchee" is often confusing. It was first known as "Kentuckee". Its history is tied to the city's name change. The Great Northern Railway provided transcontinental service to numerous communities, and the city incorporated its name in 1904.