Elbe, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the late 1800s, Elbe, Washington was called Brown's Junction. After the Tacoma & Eastern Railroad laid tracks through the area, logging and railroads began to boom there. The town was named for pioneer settler Henry C. Lutken, who was originally from the Elbe valley in Germany. Today, the town is still home to services and a school, and is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Elbe population is a small one-hundred-and-fifty-three-person congregation.

According to the United States Census, the population of Elbe is 53. Males make a median income of $48,333 while females earn an average of $55,232. The median household income is -, with rent costing $ per month. The median age is 0 for males and 0 for females. The median family size is a four-person household, with 35% of households earning more than $55,000.

The percentage of residents who are employed by the service sector is approximately 24%. However, the percentage of workers in blue-collar roles is about three-quarters. For those employed by the government, the number of jobs is almost 60%. Regardless of where you work, the residents of Elbe are happy and productive. If you are considering a move to this small town, consider the options available.

Elbe, Washington has 53 residents in total, with an average age of N/A. The average household size is 2.33 people. According to the US Census, the city is 100% white, and there are no people of color. The most common foreign-born residents are Mexican and China. The next-most-common group is White (non-Hispanic), followed by India and the United States.