Enumclaw, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Enumclaw City? This article will give you the demographics of Enumclaw City. If you're not from Enumclaw, you might not know the city well, but there are a few interesting facts that will change your perspective. The first fact is the rate at which the population annexations occur. Since population annexations are common in Enumclaw, the estimated REET revenue for this city is around $160,000 in 2010.

The city was founded in 1879 by Frank Stevenson, who homesteaded the area. In 1885, the Northern Pacific Railroad decided to route its mainline through Enumclaw, and the Stevensons accepted their offer to clear a few acres for siding. In exchange for this, they built a hotel and gave away lots for a saloon and general store. Enumclaw was originally known as Stevensonville, but was later renamed after the strange promontory north of town.

The median income of Enumclaw, WA residents was $58,019 in 2013. The average household income in the city was $89,481 in 2013 and the per capita income was $20,596. The city has a relatively low percentage of people living below the poverty line, with 4.3% of families and 8.2% of the population being below this income threshold. Enumclaw's population includes primarily White people, Hispanics, and Blacks.

In terms of age, the median population was 38 years old. This translates into a relatively young population with 7.6% of people under the age of 18. Then there were the households that were 50 years old or older. One-quarter of all households consisted of individuals and 14.2% of those were over 65. Moreover, the gender composition of the city was approximately 47.8% male and 52.2% female.