Longbranch, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To help you understand the demographics of this city, we've put together a short list of some of the most important statistics. The population and steets in Longbranch City are diverse and healthy, and there's a lot of room for improvement. The following is a breakdown of the different demographics by neighborhood. In the Longbranch City area, the median age for residents was 36.9. In 2018, the median age for both native and foreign-born residents was 37. Among the foreign-born residents, the largest percentage came from India and the Dominican Republic.

The median household income in Long Branch, NJ is $59,892. The highest percentage of the population lives in Census Tract 8061. This area also has the highest concentration of firefighting professionals, with a median household income of $68,510. Longbranch also has one of the highest concentrations of firefighters, with more than 50 firefighters per thousand residents. However, the median household income in Longbranch, NJ is much lower than that of many other nearby cities and towns.