Longview, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are some interesting statistics regarding the Population & Steets in Long view City. For example, Longview's population increased by almost five times between 1920 and 1940, and the number of businesses increased by almost three fold. While the town suffered during the Great Depression, it was still able to thrive thanks to its growing religious community. Six churches were built in the city and the street network was expanded eastward to the Longview Junction.

Longview is located at the confluence of the Columbia and Cowlitz rivers, 66 miles upriver from the Pacific Ocean and 67 miles south of Olympia. It was founded in the 1920s by Kansas City timber baron Robert Alexander Long, whose primary function was to support a large lumber mill. Longview has a large park that hosts a wide variety of community events, including ribbon cuttings, announcements, and open air concerts.

As of 2010, the city was home to approximately 4,186 people, with a median age of 34. The percentage of black residents in Longview City was 4.4 percent. During the last presidential election, Donald J. Trump was the winner, with Jo Jorgensen and Joseph R. Biden Jr. earning more than a half million dollars. In addition to the historic growth of Longview, Texas, the population continues to grow and expand.

The population of Longview is 81,112 according to Census data as of January 1, 2020. According to Zillow, the median home value in Longview will be $149,952.