Mccleary, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those of you who are curious about the population of McCcleary, you can get the latest data at the McCcleary Museum. This place provides detail information about the streets and population of Mccleary. You can also learn about the history of the city. McCcleary is located in Grays Harbor County, Washington. The population of McCcleary is approximately 1,830. Its time zone is PDT, which is 8 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time.

The median household income in McCcleary is $10,468. It is below the national average of $1,058. But, it is much higher than the Washington state average of $2,400. In McCcleary, the median rent is $955. The city is home to several schools, including McCcleary High School, and the Rainier Community College. The average household income in this area is $90,000 per year.

In addition to this, the median age of the residents is 37.4. It is further split by gender: 17.8% were under the age of 18, 21.7% were from 25 to 44, and 28.3% were 65 and older. The median household size is 2.48 people. The average family size is three. This means that the median household size is almost double that of the national average. And, with a median income of $36,534 per person, Mccleary is one of the wealthiest places in the nation.

The majority of the residents of McCcleary, Washington are white, with 8.95% belonging to other races. However, there are people of color here, including Hispanics. In fact, about 11.0% of the population identifies as Hispanic. There is a high school graduation rate of 70.0%, but the percentage of people who live below the poverty line is even higher.