Medical Lake, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to Medical Lake City, WA, you might be wondering: What's the average property value in this city? It's $198,300, which is about 0.825 times lower than the national average. And, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 66.9% of residents live below the poverty line. In fact, the median income in Medical Lake, WA is higher than the national average, and residents have shorter commute times than the national average.

The population of Medical Lake, WA is comprised of a wide range of ages and sexes, with a majority of households being made up of single mothers. There are fewer single-parent households than in many surrounding communities, but overall, it's a relatively diverse population. Twenty-four percent of households are headed by a couple, with the largest percentage being two-car families. One-fifth of households have no insurance coverage, while seven percent are headed by an individual.

Age is another factor in determining a community's population. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the median age of residents was thirty-six years. Twenty-three percent were under the age of 18, and 10.3% were between the ages of 18-24. Twenty-four percent were between 25-44. Twenty-five percent were between the ages of forty-four and fifty-four. Ten percent of the population is over sixty-five. Males outnumber females by 108.2.