Metaline, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets in Metalaine City? Find out by reading the following article! If you're looking for a list of nearby cities, check out these resources. These lists can help you plan a trip, explore the area, or simply get a feel for the people living there. You'll find a list of towns near Metaline, WA, below.

Listed below are the most recent statistics on the population and steets of Metaline City, Washington. This town's population is composed of a large proportion of Native and Asian residents. In fact, it is the town with the largest percentage of Asian residents. The town also has a smaller population of females than males. This is one of the major reasons why it's so unique.

While the population in the town is declining, residents want to continue receiving high quality medical care. They'd like to have a doctor close to home, but it's difficult to recruit physicians to these isolated towns. However, during the last century, the doctors in Metaline Falls kept busy. The community started thinking about a hospital in the 1940s. During that time, the hospital was full of people, and the town experienced good economic times.

The population of Metaline is 206. Its median household income is $58,750. The median age is 58. The median family size is 2.5. The city's ethnic diversity is lower than the state and national averages, and there are very few single people in Metaline. It is a relatively safe place to live, but beware of the crime and violence. So, before you make any decisions, get all the information you can.