Montesano, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in MonteSano City are listed below. The city is located in Grays Harbor County, Washington. As of the 2010 census, the population of Montesano was 3,987. This city is the county seat of Grays Harbor County. The city is also home to several large forests. Horseback riding and hiking are popular activities. There are many small businesses in Montesano, including logging and fishing.

The rent burden is a measure of the proportion of household income that is spent on rent. Rent burden is useful for assessing housing affordability in a city. Montesano has a lower rent burden than the state's average of 30.0%. In contrast, neighboring cities Gig Harbor and Aberdeen have rent burdens of 28.9% and 28.7%, respectively. Montesano's rent burden is also lower than the national average. Renters occupy 30.2% of Montesano's housing units.

The population and steets in Montesano City are listed below. By age, the population is primarily male. Males comprise 56.4% of Montesano's population. Females make up only 17.4% of the population. Montesano is also home to the most foreign-born residents, accounting for 4.3% of the city's total households. The city's median home price is $303,000. In the last decade, homes in Montesano have appreciated 10.9% in value.

The population density in Montesano City is approximately 6 people per square mile. For comparison, Montesano is 2.6 times smaller than Elma, and Elma is nearly four times larger. Figure 6 shows Montesano's demographics. In this article, we'll discuss the median age of residents. For more information, see the accompanying graphs. When looking at Montesano's density, consider using the Census data.