Napavine, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering, "What is the Population & Steets in Nappavine City?" The following are some basic statistics that will provide you with a more complete picture. Napavine is a small town in Lewis County, Washington. There are approximately 430 people living in Napavine. The city is centered around a hill, and covers approximately 2.39 square miles (6.19 km2). The population density is low, so the average home value is over $26,000.

The median home value in Napavine, WA is $169,900, which is less than half of the national average of $217,000. The percentage of households that own a vehicle in Napavine, WA is higher than the average for neighboring and parent geographies. Napavine's homeownership rate is 76.2%, while the average commute time is 31.2 minutes. Nearly half of residents drive to work alone. The average number of cars per household is two.

Napavine is one of the fastest-growing cities in Washington. Its residents are often vocal about the increasing demand for public services, such as water and sewer. But when it comes to quality of life, Napavine residents pull together to protect their community's quality of life. There are two schools in Napavine, and one in the suburbs of Seattle. You can visit the Napavine City hall by phone or email.

The city's overall population is dominated by people in their 20s. This makes it the city with the highest percentage of young people. Those between 20 and 29 years old, on the other hand, comprise the lowest proportion of non-citizens. However, the city is one of the most conservative cities in western Washington state. You can learn more about the city's demographics by reading the following sections of our article.