Otis Orchards, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Otis Orchards, WA is located in Spokane County, Washington. It is a small, yet rapidly growing city with a population of approximately 6000 people. Approximately 14.5% of residents are children and young adults. The median house price in Otis Orchards, WA is $333,881, which is slightly below the national average of $376,286.

There are 1,640 residents living in Otis Orchards-East Farms, WA. The majority of these people are male. There are about 125 female residents, and a few residents who are a combination of both sexes. The average age for people in Otis Orchards-East Farms, WA is 41.4 years old.

The majority of residents in Otis Orchards-East Farms are middle-income or upper-class. That's higher than the median income in 53.2% of all American neighborhoods. However, 13.7% of the children in the area live below the federal poverty line. That's significantly higher than the average rate of poverty in the U.S. (55.8%).

Crime in Otis Orchards, Washington is significantly higher than the national average, and crime rates in Otis Orchards are slightly higher than those of the state's capital. However, overall crime rates in Otis Orchards are safer than the state and national average. That's why you should know the population of Otis Orchards before buying a home.