Port Orchard, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Located in Washington, the population of Port Orchard is primarily white (73.8%). The remainder of the population is Asian, 4.6% black, 2.2% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 0.6% American Indian. The city has an average household income of $65,800. While the median age is 34.5 years, many residents are older. There are also many older residents, but they do make up a small minority.

The county seat was originally in Port Madison but was relocated to Sidney in 1892. Charleston, Washington, also requested the name change, but the Post Office Department went through with it. As a result, the Charleston post office ended up in Port Orchard. This small, quaint town is home to several notable businesses, including a popular brewery called The Port Orchard Brewing Company.

In addition to manufacturing, Port Orchard also offers various recreational activities. The Fathoms O' Fun Festival is a nonprofit organization that carries on a tradition from the city's early days. The festival is operated by local volunteers, and provides family-friendly events throughout the year. Fathoms O' Fun Festival coordinates the annual 4th-of-July Sinclair Inlet Fireworks Show, which draws upwards of 60,000 spectators. Despite its small size, Port Orchard boasts an estimated 40-percent renter population.

A look at the demographics of Port Orchard City can help you better understand how the area is shaped. For example, the city has a high percentage of Hispanic residents. The majority of the city's households are married, while 13.3% of women are unmarried. Another important factor is the percentage of institutionalized residents. Approximately one third of the residents of Port Orchard City are airmen.