Ravensdale, Washington Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out the population and steets of Ravensdale City, Michigan, then you've come to the right place. We have the latest information on this town's demographics, including its median age, income, and family size. Keep in mind that some neighborhoods are more expensive than others, and you should be aware of this before relocating. However, keep in mind that Ravensdale is a relatively small city, so living costs are usually higher than in other areas of the state.

One factor that may be affecting the crime rate in Ravensdale is where residents live. If you live near a park or major airport, you might not realize that the population there is much lower than in other neighborhoods. If you live near a recreational area, like a park, you may see a higher crime rate than you'd expect. This is because crime happens where people are.

A good way to find out more about the poverty rate in Ravensdale is to look at the median household income. The city's median household income is $44,850, whereas the poverty rate in neighboring towns is lower at 20.7%. Ravensdale has a lower than average income per person. The median gross rent in Ravensdale is $1,452, while the average commute time is 30 minutes.

The population of Ravensdale City is 1688, which is the 50th highest in Washington. The average per-capita income in Ravensdale is $1,061.